Why Am I working?

1 Cor 12:6

There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone its is the same God at work.

I am trying to complete a plumbing task in my kitchen.  It’s a relatively simple task, but one of the components is just not cooperating.  The work that I’m performing has failed to glorify God and has caused stress in my countenance. 

On the other hand, I visited a member of the congregation.  No real work was done, but the conversation and time spent telling stories and laughing was beneficial for both of us.

Sometimes we work for the sake of working.  When this happens we need to readdress the purpose of this work.  I’ve been told (and have told others) that whatever we do, we should it for the glory of God.  Sounds like a great Bible verse, wait…

Over the last couple of passages we should note that we receive gifts from the Spirit, we perform service under the guidance of Jesus, and work for God.  The trinity seems to have a handle on working as a team.  I would think that we could be inspired by that example and pull together in the same way.


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Who am I Working For?